Ohio Citizen Review PanelsÂ
Project Summary
The Citizen Review Panel program was established in federal statute by the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) in 1996. The CRPs complete an annual review and evaluation of an identified issue or concern raised about the child welfare system and make actionable and measurable recommendations to the state on how to improve this issue. OSU provides administrative support to the Ohio CRPs under contract with ODJFS. This project provides the support and services to the CRP program, including membership recruitment for all panels, training of CRP members, maintenance of panel membership, assistance in obtaining data from ODJFS and other sources, and data analysis. The project will result in an evaluation of child welfare activities across the state of Ohio.
Co-Principal investigators: Susan Yoon, PhD & Kathryn Maguire-Jack (School of Social Work, University of Michigan)
Funder: Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS)
Research Product: Ohio Citizen Review Panel Annual Report 2019-2020